Why the commandments?

WHY THE COMMANDMENTS? As we read the Bible, we can see that God gave man commandments and laws to follow. Some people reject this, while others try to put them into practice. Unfortunately, despite the best will in the world, it is impossible to observe all laws.

Why would God given laws that we can not really keep them ? For what reason did God gave laws to man? The fact is that, they are there to show us things that we have become: liars, thieves, proud … As there is no need to provide rules of conduct in heaven!

The reason we are unable to fulfill these laws is that we can not change human nature. It is as if a caterpillar wanted to try to fly. It must first leave its nature and cocoon to enter its nature of butterfly then to fly. This is what our Father wants us to do. He expects this of us.


He brought our ugly caterpillar carcass to reveal the beautiful butterfly that we are called to be. This is being “created in His image” makes sense. Like angels, this new creature is born in us, does not need to efforts to obey the commandments because they are innate to him.


Make our nature learn despair of it to the point of wanting to change our whole being - it is possible!