when get the hell away from them isn't an option

When they are doing to you pogroms and such. To live, you just get the hell away.

But this answer isn’t one that works all the time, and usually is limited to a small family or community.

When your neighbors act despicably you sometime (and on a larger scale always)  you have to take the responsibility to deal with it.

True, that it is easier to have a “them vs us” a “white vs black” or “good guys vs bad guys” but in reality it all boils down to singular people and less to groups.

What if everyone had to be personally responsible for all their actions? 

What if blaming the “system” doesn’t work. Nor does history of suppression, oppression and racism.

Responsibility to enforce this begins on all levels, starting at home. Continuing every and anywhere you can.

The time has come long ago to enforce this within all the State of Israel, leaving out none of the cities, neighborhoods, and non declared towns.

The time can’t wait any longer for this to be enforced in all areas under Israeli control.

The price of supposed walls, borders, barriers, fences and trenches which cleave between the “them and us” is too high.

ANEX ALL OF “CAPTURED/FREED” ISRAEL NOW, and continue to do so with all future freed/occupied lands.

I wrote back at the beginning of 2020 that none of the political parties were willing to seriously take responsibility  

“Eretz Yisrael HaShlema’’ What kind of “Whole Israel” is there? We are today in the current situation the sovereignty over Lod, Jaljulia, Tayba, Ulm al-Fachem, Baka al-Grabiya, Haifa and Jaffa? And that’s without adding the scattered residents of the Negev and the Galilee living lawlessly. The peace dream of the Oslo withdrawals and a unilateral withdrawal from Gaza would have caused any sane person to wake up. Especially when you see the rampant among our neighbors.