Passing counterfeits, Gays and Electric bikes

The title is the outcome of a number of conversations which I felt as strange as it might sound are connected.

Passing counterfeits:

The first conversation started with a story of a counterfeit bill accidentally given as payment at a restaurant. When the payer understood the situation they immediately paid with real currency and destroyed the counterfeit one. As simple and straight forward as it was, brought forward others with the question of “why not just pass the counterfeit forward to another as you received it?” The basic law and simple ethics would say that as long as you are not of knowledge of wrong, then you are innocent, but the second you are of knowledge, you become an accomplice to wrongdoing.

As I perceive this, there is one more step in between, which is knowledge of wrongdoing and understanding that it is of such a nature. In comparison to not accepting it as in fact wrongdoing. So while one might find themselves in a predicament which falls into there hands counterfeits. The first and foremost step would be to accept it as something which is wrong to continue and pass it forward. The decision to do wrong must be kept along with the feeling that what was done is not acceptable. Otherwise, the pathway to ethics and good will be lost.


The natural continuance of the species of Man needs both sexes to create the offspring. Mankind does not have asexual reproduction. This is simple and straight forward. So even if one would decide that they are not interested in procreation or continuation of the species or at least not in its natural way. Without this acknowledgment of

natural continuance, they lose the ability to see right from wrong.

Electric bikes:

An active lifestyle which in modern times seems to be a necessity for balance and general wellness. The city life and hours of desk sitting has its tolls on our body. Bicking is an activity that promotes similarly to sports an active life. Electric bikes have seemed to invade part of this space. There are invalids of low disabilities for whom E-bikes provide the opportunity to be active. But as the above examples, one must differentiate between a tool that promotes an active lifestyle and one that hinders it.

The guide to God is to see and accept the truth and to acknowledge that we fail. The poison is when we accept our failure as being okay. I am wrong, God you are right.