It is good to that God and to chant His name of high.

Thanking God is not something that a person is born with. Man lives and faces the reality lying ahead of him. Even when we are connecting with Mother Earth or the Great Light the need and importance to say thank you is not fundamental or essential enough.

Not so with the fathers of Israel, for them, as we see again and again to thank God was of great importance .

Sons of God (we) God has blessed from his wisdom and from his power. But instead thanking the giver, we engaged ourselves in ourselves and actually cutting ourselves from God and grow the human ego.


A simple example to show the idea: Got up early morning and watch sunrise, the difference of one that while admiring this beauty thanks God for His world and one who only admires the beauty of the sunrise. The first will flower and soul expand and also enjoy what they saw, while the other just enjoyed the beauty but his soul shrinks.

It happens often enough that we lack the ability to praise. That drawback is only within us, for in place of God there is always to praise and glorification even in the times of night or the dark shadow of death. In these situations we have only to strengthen the faith, hope and prayer that He should give us that strength and craving to praise him.