I do not care

I do not care what:

  • you do in bed
  • color of your skin
  • political beliefs
  • religious beliefs
  • your traditions
  • what you eat or drink
  • what you don’t eat or drink
  • what you are
  • what you think you are
  • what you want me to think you are
  • where you were born or live
  • what you IQ is
  • how much finances you have, nor your credit rating
  • how you scramble your eggs
  • if you break your eggs on the large side or the small side
  • I am sure I left some out, but I still do not care.

    The end of the matter, all having been heard: fear God, and keep His commandments; for this is the whole man. For God shall bring every work into the judgment concerning every hidden thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12, 13-14)