How was vacation

Back at work. I am needed.

Back to see the kids. I am needed.

Not that I didn’t know that, just the opposite. But there was a need for all sides to feel how it is without each other.

The trip/vacation was good, needed, enough and fulfilled it’s goal.

Lots of time to think,

to disconnect,

to lose connection to time/days.

to do what just I (who is that?) and only I want to do.

to complain about my mistakes to only myself :-)

To achieve what I really don’t imagine so possible.

To wake up each morning and decide what is my goal THAT DAY.

To find out in mid-day that that goal will have to change. and to re-plan it.

To lose the way, to go in the opposite direction, to ignore maps, to learn from maps, to see that the maps aren’t always 100% right.

To just go, to just not go.

To have the experience of NOW. no place for yesterday or tomorrow.

To have a completely different experience each day. This was especially true on a bike in Israel. The terrain changes so quickly.