A call for annexation of all freed/occupied/captured territories in Israel

Hope and not despair is that answer. The question of hope for what?

Those who call for autonomy of the Arab population in Israel, imagine that this will help the populations self-pride and better their livelihood.

I believe otherwise. The links following show that my belief has a serious base when we look at suicide rate of the Arab population in Israel and those in the autonomous areas.

I call for annexation of all freed/occupied/captured territories in Israel.

I also call that Arab population should not be allowed political self-determination.

The basic proof for this is as seen the political parties which the greater majority of the Arab population vote for, do not look for the good of the population that they represent.

The people of Israel have been tested time and again and proven that they do not look cast aside the need of those who live within us and are foreign to us.

Johnny Mandel Suicide is painless with lyrics - YouTube

Hopelessness: A Dangerous Suicide Warning Sign

Suicide warning signs

· Feeling hopeless.

· Feeling helpless.

· Feeling strong anger or rage.

· Feeling trapped – like there is no way out of a situation.

Police: Suicide rates rose alarmingly in the West Bank in 2014

Suicide rates on rise in Gaza

Suicide rates in Palestine highest ever

Are Palestinian teens committing ‘suicide by soldier’?

Israeli suicide rate declines

Arabs commit suicide at a lower rate than Jewish Israelis.

Suicide in Israel on decline - health ministry report 2016

Completed suicide and suicide attempts in the Arab population in Israel